Coastal Skipper (Motor)
Course Description
Designed for the more ambitious skipper wanting to improve their skills, take charge, hone their navigation skills and learn to make full use of the boat on longer, more complex passages.
An important aspect of this course is learning to take command and make decisions during extended passages and bad weather.
Course Content
Passage planning, Preparation for sea, Pilotage, tide, Passage making and ability as skipper, advanced boat handling under power, adverse weather conditions, night sailing and watchkeeping, emergency situations.
Ability after the course: Able to skipper a yacht on longer coastal passages by day and night.
Minimum age: 18
Maximum Student to Instructor ratio: 4:1
Minimum number of Students required to run a course: 3
Method of assessment: Continual assessment by your Instructor, no tests or exams.
Certificate awarded at end of course: RYA Coastal Skipper (Motor)
Required pre-course experience
RYA Day Skipper plus 300 miles as Skipper
Course Duration: 4 days
Course Price: €1,640
Price includes all tuition, fuel, mooring fees, use of wet weather gear, study materials and Greek VAT at the appropriate rate